Moving House: Money Saving Checklist

moving house checklist

Moving house can be a stressful and overwhelming process, particularly if you need to move on a budget. Following the recent ban on letting fees, you might find yourself wondering how else you could save money when moving house.

The following guide is filled with general moving house tips, as well as ways in which you can save on your move. So, if you’re wondering what to do when moving house, or where to even start, we’re here to help!

Tips for moving house and saving money

From shopping second-hand to knowing the cheapest time to move, this checklist will help you save money when moving into a new house:

  1. Plan ahead

  2. Declutter

  3. Compare moving companies

  4. Get free boxes

  5. Pick the right time

  6. Ask family and friends for help

  7. Avoid waste

  8. Redirect your post

  9. Switch utility providers

  10. Shop second hand

1. Plan ahead

When it comes to tips for moving house, planning ahead is perhaps the most important. It’s key to plan in advance, in order to give you time to consider every cost you may encounter along the way. It will also make it less likely that you’ll have to spend money on things you forgot about until the last minute.

The most notice you can give a removal company when moving house, the better. Removal services can get booked up quickly and subsequently charge more for in-demand dates, and it’s important to leave enough time before the moving date so that you can inform them of any last-minute changes.

Moving in a rush also means you’re more likely to leave your previous property in a state, which could result in cleaning or repair charges. If you plan in advance, you’ll be able to clean small sections of the house as you pack, rather than rushing it all at the last minute.

Moving large items of furniture also has its risks, and there’s always the chance of damaging doorways or scratching skirting boards, as well as tracking mud into carpets. If you’ve left your property unclean or left behind items in a rental property, your estate agent may keep your deposit.

2. Declutter

Wondering where to start? Well, before you start packing your items you should have a thorough declutter, otherwise you’ll end up paying more for your removal and moving items you don’t need to your new property. You should start going through your belongings early; as the countdown to the move begins you’ll likely just end up throwing things in boxes to deal with later.

Most removal companies quote their fees based on the number of items they’re transporting, so reducing the amount you’re moving will help to cut costs. You could also earn some extra funds along the way to pay the cost of moving by selling your unwanted clothes and belongings after you’ve decluttered. We’ve got a great guide on how to sell online which you might find handy!

Some tips to make sure you declutter effectively are to do one room at a time, take everything in the room out at once so you know if you have duplicate items, and start with paperwork where possible, as that’s often the most daunting obstacle. Once you’ve decided what you’re keeping, you can take excess items to the tip, donate them to charity or sell them.

3. Compare moving companies

When purchasing a service, whether it’s insurance, utilities or delivery, you should always compare multiple companies to help you get the best deal and save money when moving. Using comparison websites is a great way to find the best price, as they will compare several professional companies for you and highlight the best deal. The majority of comparison websites only work with trusted, verified and fully-insured companies to give you peace of mind.

If you don’t have too many items to move and aren’t moving too far away, you may want to consider asking your family and friends for help. They might be willing to make multiple trips to help you transport smaller items to your new property, or perhaps even hire a rental van for the day.

However, you’ll have to make sure that your belongings are properly packed before transportation to avoid damage and will likely have to book some time off work to make multiple trips.

Some removal firms will do discounts for OAPs, students or members of the armed forces, so make sure you check their website or call and ask before booking to see if you could save some money.

4. Get free boxes

Looking for help with removal costs? One of the easiest ways to save money when moving house is to procure free packing materials, including strong cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, sturdy carrier bags and labels. Start by asking your family and friends if they have any spare boxes and once you’ve set a date to move, start to save any boxes that may be delivered to your house.

You could also enquire at local supermarkets, shops and businesses to see whether they have any cardboard boxes left over from deliveries. Alternatively, you could make use of the items that you’re already bringing with you, by wrapping delicate items in towels or bed sheets.

5. Pick the right time

You should always book your removal company in advance, but some firms may offer you a discount or deal if you book to move during the off-season period.

The summer months always prove to be the most popular time to move house due to the lighter and longer days, and most families want to be settled before the school year starts. However, this means that removal companies will increase their prices to meet the high demand.

If you’re able to choose when you move, opting for the months between September and May could save you a huge amount on your home removal costs. Although the best day to move house varies based on your location, Sunday is generally the cheapest and Friday is the most expensive.

This is because homeowners often want to have the whole weekend to unpack and settle in before heading back to work. It’s worth noting though that it may take you a little more time to unpack if you opt to move on a Sunday, unless you choose to take time off work.

6. Ask family and friends for help

House-moving costs tend to add up quickly, even more so if you spring for a packing service from your chosen removal company. While this service can be useful, especially if you have specialist items that require careful packing, it can become an expensive service.

If you’re wondering how to move out with no money, how about asking your friends and family whether they could set some time aside to help you pack and clean. The more support you have, the easier and faster the packing will be. However, don’t forget to label your moving boxes with which room they’re due to go in and a brief description of what’s inside to make it easier when it comes to unpacking.

7. Avoid waste

Before moving, you should try to use up all of the food in your fridge, freezer and cupboards, and try to avoid purchasing new toiletries or disposable products until you’ve moved. If you can’t use everything up yourself, you can always donate unopened cans of food and objects to food banks or charity shops.

Don’t do a huge food shop in the weeks running up to the move and instead only buy the things you need, before ordering a smaller shop to be delivered to your new house the day after you move in. The earlier you do this the better, as you’ll save money on delivery for booking a slot in advance. You’ll also avoid spending money on a takeaway in the first few days after moving in.

8. Redirect your post

It’s important to remember to redirect your mail when you move house. You should apply for a redirection as soon as possible, preferably three weeks before you move.

You can set this up on the Royal Mail website or at your local Post Office, and although you’ll have to pay a small charge, it will cost considerably less than if your confidential mail fell into the wrong hands after you’ve moved. If you don’t redirect your post and you rely on receiving bills or bank statements via the post, you could end up being subject to increasing fees from missing important payments.

9. Switch utility providers

Moving house is a good opportunity to compare electric, gas and water suppliers in your new area to see if you could get a better deal, rather than choosing to move your current contract to your new home. By comparing the different providers available in your area, you could potentially save a substantial amount of money.

You should also make sure to check your account after you’ve left your old provider, as you may be due a refund if your account is in credit. When you move in, don’t forget to take meter readings to ensure that you won’t be charged for the previous owner’s usage. You should also take meter readings at your old property before you move for peace of mind.

10. Shop second hand

When it comes to moving house tips, this is a great one. Resist the urge to purchase things for your new home straight after you move in, as the adrenaline of having a new living space may tempt you to overspend on items you don’t really need. Instead, give it some time and only buy things that you’re 100% sure that you actually need, or stagger purchases where possible.

It’s also a good idea to try and unpack as much as you can before buying new items, as you may discover that you already own what you need. Clearly labelling your boxes before moving can help make this process easier.

To cut the cost of buying furniture and appliances in one go, consider buying them second-hand until you have more funds. You can always replace them with new versions once you’ve been moved in for a couple of months, or even ask your friends and family to purchase items for your home as a birthday or Christmas gift.

What to do when moving house

Relocating is never cheap, but hopefully these moving house tips have shown you how you can make the process as smooth as possible. There are steps you can take along the way to make the process less stressful and help save money when moving house.

Or, if you’re wondering how to save money for a house, we’ve got guides on simple ways to save money as well as effective monthly budgeting tips! Both contain top tips on helping you maximise your savings.

If you’re experiencing a financial shortfall and need to know how to move out with no money, you may be considering taking out a short-term loan. Perhaps you’re looking for extra help with removal costs or to replace an appliance that broke in the move?

There’s a lot you need to factor in before deciding whether a short-term loan is the right option for you, as they’re not a suitable solution to a long-term financial problem and often carry expensive interest rates. If you are looking for a flexible short-term loan, apply today with the experienced team at Moneyboat.

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